Dec 7, 2008

3. Sheryl Dunn

SHERYL DUNN won two awards from the Canada Council for the Arts for her psychological thriller, In All the Wrong Places (both literary and crime fiction categories.)

A Canadian lawyer, Sheryl switched careers—and countries—but not priorities. Her novel shakes, rattles and rolls conventional wisdom about justice . . . it makes you think.

Think of the novel as the human body:
  • the writer is the brain
  • the basic structure is the skeleton
  • scenes and sequels are the bones
  • the heart, nerves and muscles of the novel are its characters
  • and the language is its largest organ, just as the human skin is the body's largest organ.

Sheryl will dissect the bones of the novel, its scenes and sequels. She will spoon-feed you with the Do’s and Don’t's of language, and take the fear out of dialogue.

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