Dec 7, 2008

5. Workshop #1 - Novel Ideas and Structure (Michael)

So, you want to write a novel, you are writing a novel, or you have written a novel.

Want to find out if your concept is marketable?

Michael will
  • ask you to describe your project to the class -- that's why it's a good idea to write down your concept and bring it with you (see Blog #16 for information on how to describe your novel),
  • tell you if your concept will attract the attention of movie/TV producers and studios,
  • explain how to make your concept even more attractive than it is already.

Want to find out how to structure your novel or improve its structure?

Michael will show you

  • how the Three Act Structure in film works equally well in a novel,
  • how to apply this structure to your novel

Want to make your characters more interesting and appealing?

Michael will

  • describe what the film industry looks for,
  • show you how to use archetypes,
  • lead you away from the run-of-the-mill archetype to your true destination: a compelling and memorable character.

Be prepared to laugh!

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