Dec 7, 2008

6. Workshop #2 - Dem Bones, Dem Bones - Scenes and Sequels (Sheryl Dunn)

Let's hope Dem Bones are not dry bones!

  • You’re writing your novel, Poltergeist, and thinking about the sequel, Poltergeist II
  • You may not know what a sequel is and how to weave sequels into the cloth of your novel (worry about Poltergeist II later)
  • Or, you’re having problems with Act II…that darn middle of your novel is too short
  • Or, your own novel bores even you and you don’t know how to fix it.

Find out how

  • to create scenes that move your novel and the reader…and to create enough of them to make a novel
  • to link your scenes together
  • to end your scenes with a hook . . . and without using cheap tricks
  • sequels help you to pace your novel, to create a roller coaster ride for the reader

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