Dec 7, 2008

8. Workshop #4 - Deify and Defy the Rules of Language (Sheryl Dunn)

  • “Words are like wishes from a genie—don’t waste them.” (from Ann-Marie MacDonald's Fall on your Knees.)
  • ‘The rules be damned,’ you say.
  • Yes, defy all those rules…rules should be tweaked, twisted and torn asunder.
  • But shame on you if you’re too lazy to learn the effects of defying the rules.


  • To deify and defy The Watching Syndrome and a host of Writing Tics
  • To avoid the ‘She Said Angrily.’
  • How not to be Lulled by Ludlum
  • To remove all those Basting Stitches and unnecessary words

You'll receive a self-editing checklist and lots of Precious Little Darlings -- easy ways to remember the rules and how to break them wisely.

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