Dec 7, 2008

9. Workshop #5 - Lazarus - Characters That Rise From The Dead (Sheryl Dunn)

  • Characters are the heart, muscles and nerves of your novel (that's why all three workshops leaders are giving you advice about character)
  • Without moving characters, your novel is ‘in irons’ . . . stagnant
  • Without interesting characters, your novel is unmarketable
  • ‘But,’ you say, ‘I love my characters. Why don’t you, the reader?

Raise your characters from the dead by

  • deepening their conflicts
  • giving them goals
  • using character arcs instead of Deus Ex Machina
  • showing not telling
  • intertwining backstory into story…stimulus and response
  • making them real, yet larger than life

This workshop will spoonfeed you with helpful checklists and give you a process that will help you bring your characters to life.

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